Monday, September 14, 2015

Transitions and the AWE Vision Quest

March 7, 2015

Patrick J. Ryan


Many Journeys – Vision Quest with AWE
The Transition Journey

In the last article we explored how attending an AWE Vision Quest could support those who are on a healing journey.
Now we will consider how AWE Vision Questing is a great experience for those in transitions.

Life is a series of transitions.

Transitions could be any change in your inner world such as a sudden shift in your understanding of how this world works, or, it could be in your external world such as a change in career, personal relationships or anything. These transitions may at times be subtle, or at other times large disruptions to our otherwise regular life as we knew it.

What are some typical causes of transition?

  • Getting promoted
  • Getting divorced
  • Career changes
  • Changes in fortune
  • Epiphanies
  • Retirement
  • Loss of loved ones
  • A diagnosis
  • A healing
  • Loss of anything that causes an impact on our life.

Generally a transition is caused when you don’t fit some aspect of your life any more or it doesn’t fit you.

As you grow and develop through life you will experience some defining moments when you must respond to something that has intercepted you along the path.
Once you have experienced an epiphany, had a breakthrough awakening of some sort, it cannot be put back into the bottle. Such an experience will challenge you to redesign your life in order to make your life or career current with your newly realized worldview.
Sometimes that life-altering event is thrust upon you. It could be a wakeup call from a health challenge, it could be that your life partner wants a significant change, it could be a disruption in your work situation.

However it came about, you are now at a crossroads.


There may be some decisions to be made and at the very least there is a need to understand, to get some perspective, on what is going on and what this is telling you about who you are in the world now.
Sudden life changing events are like lightning bolts that may have been foreshadowed by thunder. If you weren’t paying attention earlier it could seem as if it came out of the blue.

Regardless of how you got to this transition point, here you are.

  • Who are you now?
  • Where do you go from here?
  • What do you do?

These are just a few questions that transitions will confront us with.

The AWE Vision Quest
Stepping out of the center of your life, being reconnected to your inner wisdom, getting a perspective check, these are all just a few of the benefits of attending an AWE Vision Quest..
Here you will be skillfully guided and challenged to really see what is being revealed; to be held to your own truth, and supported with belief in you, that you have what is needed to excel through this next stage of your journey.

Become present.
In order to access your own wisdom it is essential to become present. In becoming present you step out of the forward velocity of your life and you drop in vertically to your own wisdom.
Something is emerging around you. You can likely feel it, perhaps you know something about it, perhaps it is just a sense of being out of synch, or not quite connected to your life or career.
You are never alone except when you disconnect your Self from the inside out.
We always have the opportunity to tap into wisdom that is at the same time, of us, and, bigger than us.

By stepping out of the jet stream of your life you not only allow your inner wisdom to become known to you, you tap into a source that is far beyond your self.

You are part of an ocean of universal wisdom, which I like to call the wisdom field. When you become present you are more able to connect to the wisdom field and to gather in hints, clues, and overt messages from the Universe about who you are now and what it is now time for as you navigate your great adventure.

In the AWE Vision Quest Experience you will be guided into a deep experience of presence.

Although life’s breakthroughs cannot be scheduled and are seldom convenient they are precious opportunities to embrace and to consciously engage with. Any great adventure is filled with uncertainty, risk, and asks you to tap into your courage for the sake of something that you are being called to at this time.

I have found that through the AWE Vision Quest Experience I am able to connect to my inner resources, to courage, and I am then able to navigate the opportunities that are being presented.

What is calling you?
Give yourself the gift of an AWE Vision Quest Experience and get real in your life.


Click here to read about the AWE Quest

Patrick J. Ryan
Founder, Author, and Guide

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