August 10, 2015
Hi this is Patrick from Awakened Wisdom, guide of the AWE Vision Quest
I’m doing it on Purpose. Are you?
Lately I have been quite restless in a good, and not so good kind of way, wondering about the direction my life is taking at this time.
It seems that I have fulfilled much of what I wanted to and at the same time I have been feeling quite dissatisfied with that.
That’s right. I have been quite dissatisfied with the successes that have happened and with the parts of the dream that did not come through, as I wanted them to.
Looking into this more deeply, this sense of discontent, I find an old familiar layer of energy that drives me to keep pushing forward. That sense of not good enough yet, of not doing enough or, of not whatever, yet.
I know that these are distorted thoughts, lies my subconscious makes up so that I may be more driven and, even knowing that, the current of dissatisfaction runs in the background nonetheless.
On the other hand, the more positive framing, is that I am called to make a difference. I have always believed that living a life on purpose is a meaningful life and ultimately a more fulfilling and happy life.
I believe strongly that a fulfilling life is a life in which I am inspired by a vision and that I am moving forward purposefully towards the aspiration of my vision.
A happy journey is also one of balance. I also allow for days off, travel, siestas, and time to play and to be in nature. It is just that for me I enjoy the downtime more when I am connected to my vision and I have a sense of purpose around me.
Knowing as much as I can about the vision that calls me towards it I can then learn to pace myself.
It, the vision, informs my navigational choices in life. And, in challenging times I can take solace and find joy, in the fact that at least I am living my life according to inspired choices.
There are many ways to express your life on purpose professionally.
Many entrepreneurs are living their life on purpose. Initially perhaps as small business owners risking it all for the sake of their calling, their vision, their drive to build it. Then, as it grows, as the creation takes on a life of its own the vision and resulting creation attract in more interest and energy in the form of resources.
Exciting times for those that make it through!
It is the vision that gives an entrepreneur the courage, the strength and the determination to weather the storms of startups and nay sayers.
Many intrapreneurs, the inspired people within organizations, are channeling their entrepreneurial energy in collaboration with an organization, and are living synergistic lives. That is if they are lucky enough to be in an organization that encourages such behavior.
Beware if you are an organization of such talented and called people that either they will build it with you or they will find another way but the vision that drives them will not be denied.
If you, as an organization, are lucky enough to have attracted such creators of tomorrow’s great ideas then you must provide the resources and the container to let creative geniuses do what they do best and this is getting on with the business of the future.
Solopreneurs and professionals who are practicing their art through their individual practices could be living on purpose. When a professional has aligned their personal talent with a professional expression for a service that the world wants and needs they are likely tuned into a sense of purpose and hopefully vision. They are connected but not one in the same.
Vision stirs
Often people are stirring inside. This could be a driven and inspired energy that moves you forward through each day or, it could be a sense of discontent. This stirring could be experienced as an uneasy feeling of thought that you are just putting in your time until someday when things will be different or it could be a sense of restlessness like that alerting calm of ions just before the thunder crackles and has us jump or duck.
Do you jump or do you duck when stirred by the crackle of vision?
If you are stirred with such a feeling then it wants to be addressed. Ignoring it will not only not make it go away it may just drive it underground where it will run like a current of unexpressed creative energy leaking out any chance it gets. The problem with this is that it usually leaks out as anger or frustration or anxiety and at the very least as distracted thinking. At its worst it could manifest itself as illness.
It will do whatever it takes to get your attention. That is what it wants.
Your attention!
So what is a guy or gal to do?
Vision asks you to pay attention. That literally means that your ticket to vision is paid for with a-tension.
How do your pay a-tension?
First you have to acknowledge it. Admit that you are being called. Notice through which channel or multiple channels this vision is corresponding with you. Though I am calling it vision, which is clearly a visual word, it works on you through every channel in which it can get your attention.
Through the body
Vision wants you to hear it as it whispers in the recesses of your mind.
To feel it as it stirs in your heart to wake up and get on with it.
To notice it as it burns in your belly, and the muscles of your back, and the very fibers of your body.
To see it as it dances in your dreams both day and night flirting with you like a lover that beckons you to twirl in her winds of possibilities.
To taste it as you salivate with the possibilities of a pleasurable if not forbidden future.
And to take in the scent of vision it as it mixes with the enticements of nature and even industry, and spicy futuristic imaginings.
Through the mind
It may be beckoning with day dreams, distracted thoughts, recurring ideas that persist and will persist until you, or will it be someone who gets there before you, finally says, “Yes”, to it.
Through the heart
Oh that aching pull of the heart that screams out that you are wanted somewhere else. That you have completed your time and mission in the current configuration of your life and that now is a time for courage. A time to respond, knowing that the road is perilous, knowing that you just must because though the safer road is the one you already know so well, it is also the road of a slow death. The death of vision.
Through the spirit
For those of you that are open to partnering with the Universe your road is no less risky at least according to the concern channel of the sub-conscious mind and the bureau of statistics, but it is a path that is met with guidance, good fortune, synchronicity, and all manner of strange and illuminated occurrence.
Your spirit lifts at the very thought of it and demands that you let it out of the box of conformity for no great vision saw the world stay as it was, but rather showed us what it could be.
If you are called you would ignore such a call at the expense of your spirit and that is far too high a price to pay.
Better to risk all your worldly fortune then to take that last gasp and remember the time that you looked away from the luminous path.
There is help!
This is where the Awakened Wisdom Vision Quest comes in.
It is a courageous act to say yes to the quest. Knowing that all that you hold dear in your life is put on the table of choosing. In the quest you will be challenged to own up to the highest aspect of who you are.
Once you are aligned with your courageous spirit you will know what is needed.
Don’t worry yet about the how, the wherefores, and the details. That time will come for all of that but that is not what you are being held accountable for now.
Now is the time to say yes to the AWE Vision Quest.
Join us on October 12, 2015. Join us for a most extraordinary journey out of the ordinary and into the visionary.
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