Monday, September 14, 2015

AWE Vision Quests and Healing journeys

Many Journeys – Vision Quest with AWE

This is the first of a series of vision quest articles written by

Patrick J. Ryan, Founder of Awakened Wisdom Experiences (AWE)


The healing journey, as a motivation for vision questing



There are as many reasons for participating in an AWE Vision Quest as there are imaginations.  People come to refresh themselves, for renewed vision, to clarify a way through a transition, to get clarity on whether or not to activate a life transition, and more and more.  Many people who show up are on a healing journey, whether they know it or not.


What is a vision quest?

Many styles and interpretations of vision questing have existed through the ages.  The idea of a quest, or a pilgrimage, or an initiation ritual, is present in many cultures around the world.


I have quested in a variety of countries, cultures, and traditions over a period of decades; and have been guiding my own style of AWE Vision Quest for several years.


Some of the more consistent elements of a quest include a time of preparation, a time of gathering with a circle of people who are choosing to have this experience, a time of being solo (alone with yourself and your “Self”), a time of reflecting and engaging in a personal process.  It includes a time of returning, first back to the circle and then back to your life.  It is in the return that you begin the often-challenging process of integrating what you have learned or received from your experience.


A vision quest is generally considered a courageous, generous, and selfless act to engage in because there are risks, and whatever you gain from the experience is considered to be for the benefit of others around you - including your family, community, organization etc.



I have developed an Awakened Wisdom Experience style of vision quest that I call the Clear Mind Medicine Journey©.  

In this style of vision quest we do not use mind-altering substances.  I have a lot of respect for, and have been on vision journeys where we did use mind-altering substances, and I have had amazing break through experiences as a result.  When such experiences are well guided they can be very helpful.  I have also experienced many profound breakthroughs without the use of substances.  


I have chosen the Clear-Mind approach because when it comes right down to it, when we meet ourselves in the experience of the quest, and learn to achieve a clear-mind and open-heart, we are well positioned to experience extraordinary breakthroughs.


Some people make the comment that they go out on their own, into nature, for a self-guided experience.  I do that sometimes as well.  Although it is an amazing experience to go on your own for a getaway, it is not the same as being guided, and journeying with a circle of people who have come for their own reasons and who are also contributing support to each others experience.


In days past, communities and cultures, often organized quest experiences to support their people through varying transitions.  We have mostly lost that in our western culture, and so this AWE Quest Experience becomes a profound way to claim this process for your Self.


Throughout this AWE Vision Quest Experience we engage with nature and reconnect to the wisdom of our minds, hearts, and bodies.  

Nature is the source from which we came, and nature is always there in relationship with us.  It is we who cut ourselves off from nature, and so it is we who can choose to re-engage with the land in a powerful and conscious way.  


Through connection with the land we may gain insight, clarity, an open heart, renewed spirit, and resources to support the healing of our bodies.


What is a healing journey?

The healing journey is a strong motivation for giving yourself a quest experience.


Every one of us is on a healing journey in some way.  

When we have been diagnosed with a chronic condition such as cancer, or other condition that demands our attention, we become more consciously aware of our healing journey.


When we get that diagnosis we are being told that there is something going on in our system that wants and needs our attention.  The choices of how we respond to a diagnosis - whether it is for a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual crisis - are as varied as there are days in a life.



However we arrived at this point, it is now where we are.  It is our present reality.


Understanding the underlying cause for a diagnosis is valuable to the extent that we can understand how this situation might have come about.  However, more often than not, it is not a simple cause and effect story.  More often than not, there are many influences that came together which eventually, or suddenly, resulted in a person’s current state of being.


Everything in our inner world and our outer existence is related, like a web of influence, therefore it is unusual to be able to determine a single cause for anything. Our choices of diet, activities, exercise, lifestyle, stress, environmental influences, and even our DNA, all connect together and add up to our current moment – our current experience.


It makes sense to take a more holistic approach when one is consciously choosing to recreate a sense of wellbeing.


As a coach, clinical hypnotherapist, vision quest guide, and shamanic practitioner, it is my observation that people reflect the impact of their past experiences in their emotional body, their mental body, their physical body, and their spiritual body - or what some might call ‘the soul.’


Even if you don’t buy in on the spiritual dimensions of our experience then, at a very pragmatic level, what we are pointing to is the impact of our perspectives, our behaviors and the levels of positivity that we bring to our daily experience.


Once someone has received a diagnosis, a few strong influences kick in.  

Your doctor will likely have a recommended course of action depending on what you are now working through.  You may be referred to a series of specialists who may or may not agree on what you should do now.


Your family and friends, who love you, will have their own fears, concerns, and responses to your situation.  Your colleagues, business associates, employers will have another set of concerns.  All of these well-meaning people may start projecting onto you their fear of losing you, along with their well-meaning advice of what they think you should do.


Your challenge is how to stay open to receiving the love, support, and ideas, while maintaining a grounded connection to your own wisdom.  

In order for you to do that, you need to be able to access a clear-mind and an open-heart.  That is your AWE Nature.


How can you stay open, centered, and positive with regards to treatments, life decisions, and outcomes?


It seems obvious that when you are facing a life threatening or life altering diagnosis your strongest option, your point of power, is to stay connected to your AWE Nature and not get caught up in reactivity and fears.  It is also true that being able to sustain from that can be quite a challenge.


What to do?

This is where working with someone, an AWE Guide, who is skilled at connecting you to your own wisdom, is a great help.  This person becomes a valuable member of your team of resources, complimenting the efforts of your professional advisors and love ones.


Your job is to stay creative, resourceful, and positive, and to consider the options that are being presented to you by your trusted professionals and loved ones; and then to choose your course of action according to your own best wisdom.



The AWE Vision Quest process.

At the AWE Vision Quest you are guided into a deep and profound relationship with your own AWE Nature, which is the inner source of wisdom that we all have access to when we learn how to connect with it.  In order to accomplish that, we open a profound relationship with nature, we create a container of intention, and we get still and allow our selves to drop down into the core of our creativity and wisdom.


Nature as an amazing healer, clarifier, supporter, and nurturer; she becomes your partner.  The more connected you are with her; the more you are connected to the highest aspect of your Self.


Another facet of an AWE Vision Quest is the field of positivity that is opened by all those who say, “Yes,” to the experience and who choose to gather.  There is always a resourceful response to any situation which life presents along your path.


As a guide, coach, clinical hypnotherapist I am freed of the responsibilities of diagnosing, and treating; and therefore I’m available to support you as you clarify your own wisdom, and as you consider your options as they are revealed day-by-day.


Whether you are healing from a diagnosed illness, embarking on or considering a life transition, or working through minor stress related challenges to your wellbeing, the AWE Vision Quest may be just what is needed now.


I am happy to have a conversation with you to discuss your situation, and to support you in accessing your wisdom on the question of whether or not working with an AWE Guide and attending an AWE Vision Quest is a good move for you at this time.


Click here to read about the AWE Quest


Be Well,

Patrick J. Ryan

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