Monday, September 14, 2015

The power of practice

I have been noticing lately that life is moving forward for myself, my clients, and even for the men in San Quentin that I am working with, at quite a fast pace. That, of course is not a big revelation, and it is worth noting.
This seems to be a time of manifestation for so many people. For many there is a tradeoff with that through what is needed to keep up with it all.
The forward momentum of our professional and personal lives has a way of compelling us forward much like a river has its currents sometimes running faster sometimes swirling about, and sometimes being quite still.


Imagine that you are on that river.

It may be that you imagine yourself in a boat of some kind, or a kayak, or perhaps you are in the water swimming, floating, or holding onto a log as the current carries you along.
Now check in with your state of mind, heart, and body.


Would you say that you mind has been quite clear lately, calm, connected to your vision, or perhaps frantic, unsure, even confused or overloaded? Just notice.

What about the state of your heart? That is your emotional experience and your experience of connection back to your self, your family, colleagues, and to the natural world. Do you notice that you have been in joy, happiness or frustration, anxiety, perhaps you have been quite open lately or has all that is going on around you compressed you? Again, just notice.

Now check in with your body. What tensions might you be holding? Where in your body is that showing up? How is your digestion, your heart, your breathing? Just notice.

It is always important to be willing to notice what is going on with us. Often just noticing is enough to open up some energy blocks or gets us breathing a little deeper for a while. Each of us has a personal responsibility to care for our selves so that we may be able to care for the world around us. We have a responsibility to  make good choices, to say yes and no when needed for the sake of wellbeing and all that comes with that.


In order to make great choices it helps if we are centered, grounded, connected to our own wisdom.
Sometimes that is easier said then done given the demands of life.
Here is a simple exercise for accessing your center.

It will only take a moment or three and the benefit is immediate and sometimes profound.

Give your self permission to take a three minute break right now.

Sit in a good posture so that your body is relaxed and you are able to breathe deeply.

Notice your feet, what they feel like in your shoes or on the ground. Notice their temperature and whatever else you can observe.


Now scan up and notice your legs, your pelvis/groin region, scan up to your stomach, solar plexus, heart, shoulders, arms, back, neck, jaw, face and the crown of your head.


Take your time and scan your body noticing any tensions that you may be holding.


Then imagine that you can pull the energy of mother earth up through the soles of your feet and up through your body and direct that energy with your breath to any place in your body, heart or mind that catches your attention.

Then just sit for a moment with exquisite awareness and breathe, listen, and observe.



Patrick J. Ryan

Founder of Awakened Wisdom Experiences

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