Monday, July 14, 2008

Presence in London

I am in London today, after delivering a three-day workshop that by all accounts went quite well. I found myself with some time that wasn’t otherwise booked, so I decided to take a walk. I enjoy walking around London and am always fascinated by the people and old English style shops, pubs, museums and bridges.
As I walked I noticed how enjoyable the time was, and I found myself thinking about presence. I was thinking about how important it is to be present, about how much we miss when we are not present, and how challenging it is to stay present. And, as I thought more about this, I tripped on a curb. Of course I recovered, and brought my attention back to thinking about presence, as I continued my walk.
As I passed a shop, someone said something to me, though I wasn't sure what it was, as I was so busy thinking about presence. This person turned away, and so I carried on my walk, thinking about presence.
I had to cross a street, which is always tricky for me in London, as the traffic is moving opposite to what I am used to. I choose to trust, that while I am busy thinking about presence, those cars will surely see me. A car honks. Is it really necessary to honk the horn like that just because a pedestrian is on the street? This car had plenty of room to get by. Now I've lost track of my thought on presence.
Ah yes, I was contemplating how challenging it is, to do just one thing at a time in this busy culture we have created. I decided to note this down on a pad of paper as I walked along, thinking about presence. I write and wonder why is my writing so messy whenever I write as I walk along?
Soon I was lost, and had to stop thinking about presence so that I could reorient myself to my hotel's location. But I realized I didn’t want to return to it anyway, and had forgotten for a moment that I had plenty of time to just walk along and think about presence.
As I continued walking I saw an interesting looking person with wonderfully wild clothes and an unusual gait. As I walked along watching him, I bumped into someone else, remembering again, I'd lost my thought about presence.
So I had to start over with a new one. What does it mean to be present anyway?
I wondered. Aren’t we always present to something? And isn’t that enough?
Good thing I brought my cell phone, as I forgot I'd meant to call someone. Now if only I could remember where I put his number. Oh yeah, I forgot it in the hotel room.
Where am I anyway?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, Patrick... I firmly believe you were present on Sunday, when you soothed away my headache and healed a spiritual disquietude I had felt for some time. This has, in fact, allowed me to consider living in the present, being in the now... as opposed to then... and enjoying each moment... even those times I also bump into others, whilst considering presence...! Thank you for the gifts you gave, Patrick. I shall remain eternally grateful.