Monday, February 4, 2008

Awakened Wisdom in Japan

Awakened Wisdom in Japan,

The workshop, Claim Your Awakened Life Now!, was just offered in Japan. I am very grateful to J., Mika, Kyoko, and to all the others who helped to organize and to promote the event.
It was an exciting experience to be a part of the offering and receiving of the Awakened Wisdom program. I am especially grateful to Mika and Kyoko for their beautiful translation.
Many people who attended told me that they felt that this marked the beginning of a new time, a new era, in Japan. I feel it at a global level that a beautiful awakening is unfolding and everyone who attended came in service to this.
I am very pleased to see how the message of Awakened Wisdom crosses over cultural lines and touches people heart to heart.
I learned much from this event and I return home, to rest and to assimilate the experience into my being.
Thank you as well to others who shared meals, conversations, hopes and dreams, while guiding me through my first time in Japan, at least in this life.
I hope to return for a more advanced offering and so for those who asked me to consider that, stay tuned for future announcements.

Go in Happiness,
Patrick Ryan

Awakened Wisdom in Israel

Awakened Wisdom in Israel,
The Claim Your Awakened Life Now! workshop was recently offered in Israel. I want to thank the partners that organized it and all the beautiful people that attended.
In order to tell this story and keep personal identities confidential I will refer to the good people involved according to their gender and their cultural background. To the extent that adds to the illusion of separateness, I apologize. I don’t know how else to tell the story.
It was set in an amazing retreat center in the Negev Desert. The setting was very simple and that allowed us to really blend in with the sacred land and to drop more deeply into the experience of what it is to be human.
As much the intention of the gathering was to offer and receive the Awakened Wisdom work the Universe through its Divine wisdom had an additional plan for us all. In order to unfold that plan the Universe inspired some Palestinian people to join us as well. This added such a rich fabric to an already beautiful plan.
The Jewish culture and the Arab culture are taught not to trust each other and that is the message that members of each group receive at a very young age. At the level of soul to soul such agreements do not exist.
Without exception the humans that attended this event wanted to move past the illusion of barriers that separated them. Blessings to you all for that!
The first challenge that showed up was when we received a message that the Israeli border guards in the interest of performing their duty had delayed the Arab participants from entering Israel. The gift of that is that it inspired the Jewish people to send love and prayers for the Palestinians to get through. It also, I believe, created the journey for everyone in this event to be more at the level of a vision quest. Through that the journey of our souls in this event was opened up to a much deeper level.
Thankfully the prayers and the wisdom of the border guards shone brightly and they allowed our Arab friends to pass through and to arrive safely.
We all came together on the land and the weaving of intentions, hopes, and Oneness began in earnest.
I have seldom felt so blessed as I was to be able to witness and to hold the space for these amazing and open people to do their work.
Two moments touched me deeply, both moments happened at about the same time at two different places in the desert.
In one moment, I looked over and saw a Palestinian woman and a Jewish woman standing face to face, heart to heart, with each other in conversation and the light that was exchanging between them was so bright that I knew that great healing was taking place.
I then turned and looked into a different direction and saw an Arab man and a Jewish man sitting on the edge of a small rock rise in deep conversation with each other. Again the light of love was opening and I knew that the work these people were engaged in was on behalf of all of us on the planet that feel separated from any other.
I watched as their minds, full of teachings and stories about why they should not trust each other struggled to move forward. I watched as their hearts, filled with desire to connect and know the full experience of each other, had them lean in as they learned to trust each other a bit at a time. Thankfully the wisdom of their hearts prevailed over the concerns of their minds and in the end the people left the event hugging and casting wishes for more of this in the world.
Blessings to you all for your desire to move forward as one people, for the courage it takes to set aside the cultural conditioning, and for the willingness to heal the memories of times past that are painful.
I am in gratitude to the Universe for using us all in this way, to forward the dream that all humans will reclaim their Oness with the divine.
Thank you to you for reading this.
Patrick Ryan