Friday, December 7, 2007

Adventure in Barcelona

Today I am writing from Barcelona,

Yesterday was my first day in Barcelona. I have three days to relax between leading two different workshops. It was a very surprising start to my visit here to get robbed before I even had breakfast.

That event really gave me the opportunity to experience the application of Awakened Living.

At first I was in denial, I couldn't believe it had happened. I was trying to convince myself that maybe I had misunderstood what had happened but alas I could not deny the fact, I had been robbed. I knew I had to look at this face on.

Then I got angry. I got angry at myself for allowing this to happen. I got angry at the crooks who take advantage of kind people. In this case the crooks impersonated being kind to get closer to me, to take advantage. I allowed myself to experience the anger.

I then went through a stage of asking the Universe what I could do to lessen the damage here. I cancelled my credit cards, I filed a police report, and got philosophical about it all. Making the best of a bad situation.

I wandered around for a day with barely enough money for a meal, it brought back memories of when that was a fact in my life, a time long ago. Then I observed myself falling into a depression. I had a hotel room and I didn't want to leave. I felt like sleeping all the next day. I was falling. A time to recover, to choose, to stay resourceful.

I kicked myself out of bed and asked the Universe to give me a good day. I asked to meet someone nice, I asked for a different experience than I had been having. I noticed I was nervous but I headed out for a day of tourism anyway.
I had arranged for some money to be wired to me, thank you American Express for coming through as advertised, where one of my other banks said I had better be able to prove i got robbed or I could be in trouble.

Thanks to the wonderful waiter at a nearby restaurant who as I sat down, warned me to watch my bag, and when i told him my story, he really listened and then was just nice and made such a difference.

Please be kind to a stranger today.

I finally found myself to a place where I could do a loving kindness meditation for the robbers, for the police, for myself, and with that I felt all the negative energy of this event wash away.

I am grateful for this event for revealing to me where I still have work to do and I could have done without it.
This is a small thing in the world today, it just happens to be the day I had.

All of this happened in roughly twenty four hours.
What a day.

Journey well and be safe,


Unknown said...

Thank you for reminding me of the choice we always have to be conscious and awake. So honest about your process. And in this gift giving mania of time, a great reminder to be nice to strangers.
I will do that today.
Sending you love and warmth in Barcelona.
Kate Roeske

Patrick J. Ryan said...

Thank you Kate

Anonymous said...

I found this very useful to read. I know Patrick and have read his book and I sometimes find myself thinking, in a critical way: "My goodness, will this silly man always be so unguarded?!".

Then I hear that thought forming itself, and I look at who Patrick is and what he brings to the world and I realise how his openness and strength shines a welcome light on my own fears.

So, thank you again, Patrick, and look out strangers, niceness is a'comin' your way!