Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Want to do the right thing!

Want to do the right thing!

What does it take to do the “right” thing?
This is a complicated world we live in. It seems that the more information that I have about what is going on around the planet the more challenging it is to know what the right thing to do, say, or think, is.
An example of what I am talking about is the purchasing decisions I make. As I watch the news, blogs, and other sources of information I am bombarded by requests to not buy from one company or country and to support another.
Two big areas of concern for me are human rights issues and the environment.
Sometimes it is a challenge not to become overwhelmed and helpless in the face of complicated and many sided issues and from that helpless place I want to turn away or distract myself from thinking through what the impact is that I am having on the world around me.
It seems that there must be a point of balance that allows me to sometimes buy a product from a company or country that has a poor human rights record for example and at other times to say, No, without feeling like a hypocrite.
It seems to me that absolute rules box us in, in a way that is not helpful.
I always try to do the right thing I just find that it is not always clear what that is.

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