Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thank you United States!

Thank you United States!!
Can you feel the sense of relief from all around the globe since the US election? There is a beautiful opportunity now, to recreate the way the US will be in relationship with the rest of the world. I trust that now is the time, a new time for all of us. A time for healing. It's a time for all of us to look out past our immediate interests and consider what is needed for the greater good of all.

One good thing that may come from the global economic situation is that we get to see in an undeniable way, how we are all so connected and interrelated.
I believe that we now have a world leader that will be able to bring the planet together rather than blow it apart. Barack Obama is that leader. Obama will need all of our support because the problem is not his, it is ours. It will take all of us, globally, to turn the tide around into waters that create healing and openness rather than the fear and separation that has been flowing for the last eight years.

In a strange turn of events, the State of California has voted on a clause which, if followed through on, would take away basic human rights from a minority group of people. It is the right for gay and lesbian people to get married. I was stunned that this proposition passed. One step forward, two steps back. That conversation will now be front and center, at least in California. What can we do?

It is very difficult sometimes to understand another person’s point of view when it is so different from our own. It is even more difficult when we get afraid and shut down our willingness to hear one other. The willingness to listen deeply and fully is one sign of an awakened human. So, lets stay open, remember to breathe deep, stay grounded in our resourcefulness and out of fear, and lets discuss this.

As Rumi so beautifully stated...
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.

We must all be willing to meet there, please join me.
Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan
Chief Waker-Upper