Friday, December 5, 2008

We Each Have the Power to Create

Even in these strange and trying times, we are each blessed with the opportunity and the responsibility to live consciously and create powerfully. Even as global economic and social systems are being redesigned before our very eyes, each of us can step up to make a difference. Today's wealth was created through old systems that are giving way and new ideas and opportunities are emerging. The ideas that will carry us into the future will have to offer sustainability for all involved - including our planet.

This transition is shaking up all the old ways of thinking; yesterday's experts are today's beginners. People's lives are turning upside down; old jobs are being lost as new ones will be created in more sustainable, people and earth-friendly industries.

Now more than any other time we are faced with the truth of our connectedness to one other.

There is no self-serving policy - for any nation - that can hold out much longer. We are inter-related in every way. And, while this will one day be recognized as the most amazing blessing, in the meantime it terrifies some. (Love to you!) The days of "Us vs. Them" will eventually play out its time.

Terrorism is an extreme example of a destructive "us-them"ideology. Terrorists strike out with misguided actions, using old ways of force and destruction to attempt change. Though this time of such intense violence will pass, it will likely be a painful time for all until it does. When we learn of terrorist action, we grieve both for loved ones we've known personally and those we may only read about in the news. When terrorist actions erupt, we all become victims of the violence, of broken hearts, and of the desperate thinking of people who have become divided and disconnected.

Thankfully, in even greater numbers and at the same time, good people are doing amazing things in the world. They are creating beauty with open hearts, supporting the development of new ideas, and showing others how to find their way in to a fulfilling life. Overall I am finding that hope and resourcefulness are prevailing and believe it is possible for each one of us to take a role to assure they will prevail. Together we can set a course for recovery, not just for ourselves but also for others.

Here's how it can work. You can start each day, by recovering your own connection to the resourceful One you are, the intelligent One you are, the beautiful One you are. I call this One the Divine Self in you. You can begin a daily practice of moving from judgment and doubt to beauty and possibility. In order to do this it is helpful to create some practice that opens up your mind, your heart, and your body to the beauty of this and every moment and to the truth.

Take time each day to review your behaviors. Are you often slipping into doubt, criticizing our self or others, or assuming a victim role? Each of these behaviors distorts what is really going on around us. It turns what we are experiencing into lies, and then we use those lies against others or ourselves. Any idea or thought that puts you or someone else down is a lie. Falling into this way of thinking happens all too easily when we aren't paying attention and taking the responsibility to move past such lies. When we are connected to our Divine Self, such lies do not take hold.

From our own place of Divine connection and grounding, we can more easily look out into the world and assist others as they discover their own path - their gifts and genius that take them closer to their own unique expression of the Divine Self. It is important to note that in this work of getting reconnected to the Divine Self, we need never find ourselves alone. Alone is yet another lie. It is created from an aspect within us that uses the illusion of aloneness to hold us down. In truth, we are never alone.

From the place of personal recovery, look out into the community of your choice and ask, "What is needed here?" and "What part can I play in providing that?" Something, however small or large, will occur to you when you ask these questions from your Divine Self's point of view. Ask these questions with friends, family, and colleagues, and ask from a place of openness. Notice who resonates with your ideas and who would like to join you in creating new ideas from the inspiration of Divine Self.

Next move from the inspiration of those ideas to the creation of what is needed. It may be as simple as calling people and having brilliant conversations, or it might require the gathering of resources and leadership to build something new in response to what the world needs now. Whatever the case, allow yourself to move towards it with ease and delight and trust that you have been gifted with a part to play in this new unfolding story of the world today.

We each are blessed with the opportunity and the responsibility to live and create according to Divine wisdom. We must learn how to walk this life in ease, delight, and joy. That is our Divine purpose.

So walk on and I look forward to hearing more of your stories about how you are creating your own most amazing life.

Patrick Ryan

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thank you United States!

Thank you United States!!
Can you feel the sense of relief from all around the globe since the US election? There is a beautiful opportunity now, to recreate the way the US will be in relationship with the rest of the world. I trust that now is the time, a new time for all of us. A time for healing. It's a time for all of us to look out past our immediate interests and consider what is needed for the greater good of all.

One good thing that may come from the global economic situation is that we get to see in an undeniable way, how we are all so connected and interrelated.
I believe that we now have a world leader that will be able to bring the planet together rather than blow it apart. Barack Obama is that leader. Obama will need all of our support because the problem is not his, it is ours. It will take all of us, globally, to turn the tide around into waters that create healing and openness rather than the fear and separation that has been flowing for the last eight years.

In a strange turn of events, the State of California has voted on a clause which, if followed through on, would take away basic human rights from a minority group of people. It is the right for gay and lesbian people to get married. I was stunned that this proposition passed. One step forward, two steps back. That conversation will now be front and center, at least in California. What can we do?

It is very difficult sometimes to understand another person’s point of view when it is so different from our own. It is even more difficult when we get afraid and shut down our willingness to hear one other. The willingness to listen deeply and fully is one sign of an awakened human. So, lets stay open, remember to breathe deep, stay grounded in our resourcefulness and out of fear, and lets discuss this.

As Rumi so beautifully stated...
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.

We must all be willing to meet there, please join me.
Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan
Chief Waker-Upper

Monday, October 20, 2008

Who is doing your voting?


Well here we are again, about to choose the next generation of leadership in the United States. As a Canadian residing in the US, I do not get to vote so I have a unique perspective on what is unfolding. It’s an interesting time in the world right now, and as I’ve been traveling about the world lately I appreciate the opportunity I’ve had to hear so many different perspectives on the changes taking place. The current global economic challenges are trading headlines daily with the US election process, and the entire world is keeping an eye on the United States as it all unfolds.

Obviously running a presidential election campaign is stressful. One gauge of a great leader is how he or she responds to stress and how he or she continues to manage a campaign under pressure. After all, if you can’t manage your own campaign in a good way, how could you be expected to manage the role of President of the United States of America and its attendant global responsibilities?
Consider, both candidates in this US election said very clearly early on, that they would not stoop to the pressure to include negative campaign ads In their strategy.
Low and behold, both have. Why is that?

Election strategists tend to agree that negative ads can and do work, and some might insist the use of such ads is necessary to win. But what do we gain in a campaign that’s “won” with negative ads? Negative ads do “work” in that they prey upon our often-present underlying fears and cause us to doubt our deepest voting instincts. The fearful side in each of us is always on the look-out for things to be afraid of so, yes, negative campaigns can “work” if they gain power as THEY feed on our fears.

During the presidential debates, groups of undecided voters are hooked up to electronic equipment, which indicates when they are either attracted to or repelled by a candidate. The meters flip quickly into attraction when candidates speak about solutions from a resourceful and wise aspect of themselves; when a leader is able to stay clear and grounded in his or her wisdom, this in turn activates the wisdom of those observing. If an undecided voter were to stop right there, and vote from this place of wisdom, we’d likely end up with a candidate who has some pretty sound ideas.

However the converse is also true; when candidates start bashing their opponents, approval indicators start dropping as undecided voters start to feel conflicted. The candidate who goes down the road of negativity is counting on this, for negativity is contagious. If a candidate can get voters to cast doubt on his rival’s character and abilities, the vote may sway. When candidates campaign from this lower aspect of their nature, they activate it in others. And those who are not grounded enough in their own wisdom may get pulled down the road of negativity.

We can hope, but not expect that our candidates will always refrain from using negative ads. When one candidate starts, another may feel obliged to respond and defend – a seemingly inevitable and vicious cycle of negative ads ensues.

So what can we hope for in a voting nation when negative ads are calling out to us? We can hope for discernment.

We have two basic inner aspects of our selves through which we can choose a candidate. Awakened Wisdom teachings describe these aspects as the Divine Self and Distorted Self. Simply put, Divine Self is the resourceful, creative, empowered aspect of who we are, while Distorted Self is the fearful, critical, judgmental aspect of who we are. We each have our own personal version of these two aspects lurking within us.

As you step into the voting booth you have an important choice. You can vote for what you believe is the highest and best solution or you can vote from fear.

Whichever aspect you put in charge of your voting will determine what you’ll create in this election and in your life. If you vote according to your Divine Self, (a choice based on your best wisdom given all the insight and information you have) it is likely to attract positive results for all. (FYI - Making a Divine choice can also still feel risky. It may include agreeing to short term risks in hopes for long term, or more broadly reaching benefits, not just for yourself, but for others.)

If you allow fear to guide your vote, you are choosing to put your own Distorted Self in charge. Such a fear-based choice would continue to create more fear, resentment and scarcity. It would attract a leadership style that would be operating through the same fearful energy that has empowered it. If a presidential candidate wins through fear and negativity, these energies will no doubt overshadow the entire presidency. We have been trudging through a long stretch of fear-based leadership; we have a choice to shift this energy. The world is watching the United States as it chooses its next leader.

I cannot tell anyone which way I think he or she should vote. I am however, reminding people to choose well - through wisdom rather than fear.
When you do vote, ask your self these two simple questions:
What is most needed in the Leadership of this country at this time?
Which candidate is most likely able to create that?

I will state that it seems time for all nations to learn to create again from wisdom, trust, courage, and openness. To do this now, Americans must be willing to let go of creating from fear. That doesn’t mean being naïve, it means operating from Divine wisdom. This is the kind of wisdom that knows real, from imagined dangers and is willing to hold out for long-term sustainable prosperity versus short-term gain.

Any idea or action that does not add beauty to the next generation is not a good idea for the day at hand.

Thank you for hearing this Canadian’s two cents,
Patrick Ryan

Monday, October 13, 2008

Awakened Wisdom at work in London

Hi Everyone,

The London Awakened Wisdom workshop took place this last weekend. It was a fulfilling event set in the beautiful grounds of the Maria Assumpta center in Kensington.

I found it very interesting to have an opportunity to apply the Awakened Wisdom teachings against the backdrop of the financial crisis that is especially hitting Britain now. We got to look into this situation according to the Awakened Wisdom philosophy, and through that perspective a general sense of well being and optimism prevailed.
Everyone in attendance reported their delight, about being able to renew their relationships to their Inner Wisdom and to check in on their life dreams and purpose.
And what fun - to gather with people that came from as far away as South Africa, Denmark, Dubai, Switzerland, and then of course there was the marvelous UK contingent. Time and again, these teachings hold to be cross-cultural, so everyone is able to relate and find their own Awakened Wisdom within them.
One of the most frequent pieces of feedback I get is about the simplicity of the ideas and that despite the simplicity, they still create a deep and profound shift in how the participants learn to live their lives.
Thank you to Pemma, Sue, Karen, and Kate. Without your help this event would not have been as successful.
The next Awakened Wisdom event is in Toronto in November. I look forward to seeing everyone there.
Check out the Awakened Wisdom website for details.

Patrick Ryan

Monday, October 6, 2008

Awakened Wisdom in Los Angeles

The L.A. Awakened Wisdom event took place this past weekend and by all accounts it had a big impact on those who attended. I am always thrilled to hear to what extent this workshop/urban vision quest is changing the way people are living their lives. It really is like hitting the reset switch - to start living according to an older wisdom we all know deep inside. It's a wisdom we easily forget as we get caught in the daily rush and chaos.

Most of the ancient and great teachers, such as the Buddha, agreed that being handed knowledge was useful up to a point but it never replaced the need to have your own experience. That is what makes this workshop so powerful - it lets you have your own experience. It does not pretend to tell you about ideas as if you don't already know them. Rather it pulls out and presents existing ideas in a fresh and accessible way - a livable way. This workshop takes you through experiences that allow you to get your own learning, according to where you are at in your own journey. Thank you to all who attended the event this weekend, for your openness and for playing full out.
Now I am off to London

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Economic crisis, or inevitable shift?

Can you even follow, all that is going on in the economic world news these days? Many people are asking - how do I keep my spirit up and my life moving forward when nearly every news story is threatening doom and gloom?

Let's look at some of the Awakened Wisdom principles of living an awakened life and see what they tell us.

1) From a Good State of Understanding. Consider the idea of cycles and timing. The world is taking a big economic in-breath right now. So many years of rapid growth and vigor are now being followed by a time of rebalance and correction. Many of the practices that were put in place to accelerate the world economies have now come back to bite us. I don’t hear anybody arguing the point, that it was the greed of some people inside financial institutions and the greed of the financial system itself that held the accelerator pedal down. Greed over sensibility never works out. So of course now the cycle is playing out. It is time for a correction. A primary problem with most financial systems is that they generally have short-term profit as their guiding principle; artificial acceleration of the drive for profit will inevitably lead to breakdowns. It is not sustainable.

2) A Good State of Intention has us look at what is truly important to us now. We get to use this time to realign with our deeper underlying intentions - in our jobs, in the organizations that we are running, and in our personal lives. When intention is only guided by the energy of the mind, it cannot help but lead us into trouble. Now is a time to bring some heart intelligence back into the system. Mind intelligence, when balanced with heart intelligence, will activate great creativity towards objectives that are more sustainable than those of the old system that seems now to be collapsing around us.

3) A Good State of Words. The words we choose, in the stories we tell ourselves about what is happening now, are setting up our present state of mind. When we speak to our selves, our families, our colleagues, it is important that we speak from the resourcefulness of Divine inner wisdom, rather than from uncertainty or fear. If you are feeling confronted by the current situation then certainly tell that as part of your story. But as you cast yourself as a character in your story, be sure to tell about your resilience and your creativity and how you are finding a way through this time. The media, driven by profits, is telling plenty of dreadful stories that permeate and influence our state of mind. Be discerning about what stories you are listening to. Seek balanced views.

4) A Good State of Being reminds us to look into the relationships of our life including the relationship that we have with our self, our families, and our colleagues. At the end of the day, it’s how you’ve been in these relationships that really matters. For many it is a time to slow down as the storms pass by, to nurture your physical well-being. A good physical well-being will support your emotional being as well. If you are experiencing anger or fear about what is going on in the world at this time, first notice that then ground yourself in your Divine inner wisdom. Spending time in away from the fray, in nature if possible, is one of the most powerful ways to do that.

5) A Good State of Purpose reminds us to look deeper into why we are chasing whatever it is that has us so compelled at the moment. Every now and then we get completely distracted, chasing after a ball that no longer serves us. Step out of the chase for a moment and look again at what is truly important now. What is worthy of your attention according to your heart wisdom?

6) A Good State of Effort. Notice what doors ARE opening now. Trust, and walk through them with ease and delight. In challenging times it is especially important to keep breathing easy and move according to the current of the river in which you find yourself. Sometimes it is time to row harder (though still with ease and delight) and sometimes it is time to pull your paddle out of the water and coast a bit. Relax and consider - what is the right amount of effort for you at this time?

7) A Good State of Practice. When the world around us is shaking, it is easy to put aside your daily practices. Yet this is the most important time to maintain them. Look into your physical practice and take care of your body. What spiritual practice is needed now? This is a good time to practice daily appreciations for whatever you DO have that is truly important in your life right now.

8) A Good State of Doing. Staying engaged in the action of your life is important. Compare the amount of action you’ve been taking with the situation you are now in. As the Northern hemisphere moves towards winter it is time to prepare to slow down for a while. We humans were never meant to run full out forever. Perhaps this is a time to embrace slowing down, finding a different pace that is congruent with the ebb in which we may now find ourselves.

It is easy to move through good times and enjoy life. In challenging times we find out who we really are. This is a good time to notice the wisdom of your heart and to clean up your house of old priorities that no longer fit or serve you.
Even the world economic systems are not immune from this wisdom.

Be well,
Patrick Ryan

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

San Francisco Gets Awakened

Hello Friends!
What a weekend. The latest offering of Awakened Wisdom’s, Claim Your Awakened Life Now! just happened in San Francisco, and all of the people in attendance have been reporting that they were deeply impacted by the event. I am pleased about that, because having an impact is why I do this work.

I was particularly moved by this group of dynamic people, and the way in which they showed up fully, to play and explore their personal genius, (whatever that might have been) as of August, 2008. As is the case with these events, this one attracted people from many regions, and phases of life. Each had something different to bring, and take away from, the workshop. You see, we humans are amazing beings. We keep learning and growing as the world around us moves itself forward, so it is important that we look into the mirror with fresh eyes and heart, over and over again, and continue to ask, Who am I now?!!

It is from this place, of diversity and personal ingenuity, that we all dreamed and designed together this weekend. Many people reported old dreams stirring again, that renewed vital energy around them. Others discovered freedom from old ideas and are moving now in new, more vibrant directions, that resonate more strongly with their hearts, bodies and minds.

Thank you to all who came, and to those who brought friends, even without fully understanding what it was, that might happen in these three days.
The nature of this work is beyond words, and I am still learning how to talk about it myself. All I do know, is that magic happens and lives are shifted.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Presence in London

I am in London today, after delivering a three-day workshop that by all accounts went quite well. I found myself with some time that wasn’t otherwise booked, so I decided to take a walk. I enjoy walking around London and am always fascinated by the people and old English style shops, pubs, museums and bridges.
As I walked I noticed how enjoyable the time was, and I found myself thinking about presence. I was thinking about how important it is to be present, about how much we miss when we are not present, and how challenging it is to stay present. And, as I thought more about this, I tripped on a curb. Of course I recovered, and brought my attention back to thinking about presence, as I continued my walk.
As I passed a shop, someone said something to me, though I wasn't sure what it was, as I was so busy thinking about presence. This person turned away, and so I carried on my walk, thinking about presence.
I had to cross a street, which is always tricky for me in London, as the traffic is moving opposite to what I am used to. I choose to trust, that while I am busy thinking about presence, those cars will surely see me. A car honks. Is it really necessary to honk the horn like that just because a pedestrian is on the street? This car had plenty of room to get by. Now I've lost track of my thought on presence.
Ah yes, I was contemplating how challenging it is, to do just one thing at a time in this busy culture we have created. I decided to note this down on a pad of paper as I walked along, thinking about presence. I write and wonder why is my writing so messy whenever I write as I walk along?
Soon I was lost, and had to stop thinking about presence so that I could reorient myself to my hotel's location. But I realized I didn’t want to return to it anyway, and had forgotten for a moment that I had plenty of time to just walk along and think about presence.
As I continued walking I saw an interesting looking person with wonderfully wild clothes and an unusual gait. As I walked along watching him, I bumped into someone else, remembering again, I'd lost my thought about presence.
So I had to start over with a new one. What does it mean to be present anyway?
I wondered. Aren’t we always present to something? And isn’t that enough?
Good thing I brought my cell phone, as I forgot I'd meant to call someone. Now if only I could remember where I put his number. Oh yeah, I forgot it in the hotel room.
Where am I anyway?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Living an Awakened Life

To live an Awakened Life, is to live life through connection to Divine Self, that is the pure essence of who we are. This requires us to be willing to open and connect fully, to everything that is present in the moment. That means really opening to the full emotional experience of the moment, the full body experience and the full mind experience. This sounds like a good idea, and yet in order to do this, we risk imagined consequences such as the possibility of connecting to unpleasant sensations. Many people move through life creating their experience through fears though most of those fears are imagined. Creating a life in this way will most assuredly result in living in overly cautious way, building a smaller life.
Breath deep. What emotion are you in at this time? What part of your body is speaking the loudest? What thoughts are occupying your mind? Are those thoughts real or imagined?

Examine each thought, especially your concerns. Ask yourself, "Is this a real danger or am I imagining it? A real danger is literal, not imagined. So get clear about the difference. For each concern ask yourself, "What is truly needed with regards to this concern?" and then choose your actions accordingly.
You will discover that most of the concerns you hold are imagined; they are not good reasons to hold back, from making the choices, and living the life you really want.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Being Present

We often rush through our days, checking off to-do's, phoning and driving. We think about what is next, or worry about - what if?
It's as though the systems of today’s world are designed, precisely to test our willingness and ability to be present.
What is it to be present?
Being present, simply put, means being in the moment, and aware of what is being experienced at that time. It's being aware of your emotional, physical, and mental states. You need not DO anything to be in the moment. You just need to BE. And, to be aware.
One simple way I do this, is to use my breathing to connect to the moment and then to myself, in that moment.
I put my attention on my breath. I let go of distracting thoughts, and check in with my body. Where am I tense? And what is the emotion I am experiencing at this moment?
From this connected state, I am much more resourceful. It allows me to have an overall better experience that day.
Perhaps you have your own tips, for being present?

Monday, February 4, 2008

Awakened Wisdom in Japan

Awakened Wisdom in Japan,

The workshop, Claim Your Awakened Life Now!, was just offered in Japan. I am very grateful to J., Mika, Kyoko, and to all the others who helped to organize and to promote the event.
It was an exciting experience to be a part of the offering and receiving of the Awakened Wisdom program. I am especially grateful to Mika and Kyoko for their beautiful translation.
Many people who attended told me that they felt that this marked the beginning of a new time, a new era, in Japan. I feel it at a global level that a beautiful awakening is unfolding and everyone who attended came in service to this.
I am very pleased to see how the message of Awakened Wisdom crosses over cultural lines and touches people heart to heart.
I learned much from this event and I return home, to rest and to assimilate the experience into my being.
Thank you as well to others who shared meals, conversations, hopes and dreams, while guiding me through my first time in Japan, at least in this life.
I hope to return for a more advanced offering and so for those who asked me to consider that, stay tuned for future announcements.

Go in Happiness,
Patrick Ryan

Awakened Wisdom in Israel

Awakened Wisdom in Israel,
The Claim Your Awakened Life Now! workshop was recently offered in Israel. I want to thank the partners that organized it and all the beautiful people that attended.
In order to tell this story and keep personal identities confidential I will refer to the good people involved according to their gender and their cultural background. To the extent that adds to the illusion of separateness, I apologize. I don’t know how else to tell the story.
It was set in an amazing retreat center in the Negev Desert. The setting was very simple and that allowed us to really blend in with the sacred land and to drop more deeply into the experience of what it is to be human.
As much the intention of the gathering was to offer and receive the Awakened Wisdom work the Universe through its Divine wisdom had an additional plan for us all. In order to unfold that plan the Universe inspired some Palestinian people to join us as well. This added such a rich fabric to an already beautiful plan.
The Jewish culture and the Arab culture are taught not to trust each other and that is the message that members of each group receive at a very young age. At the level of soul to soul such agreements do not exist.
Without exception the humans that attended this event wanted to move past the illusion of barriers that separated them. Blessings to you all for that!
The first challenge that showed up was when we received a message that the Israeli border guards in the interest of performing their duty had delayed the Arab participants from entering Israel. The gift of that is that it inspired the Jewish people to send love and prayers for the Palestinians to get through. It also, I believe, created the journey for everyone in this event to be more at the level of a vision quest. Through that the journey of our souls in this event was opened up to a much deeper level.
Thankfully the prayers and the wisdom of the border guards shone brightly and they allowed our Arab friends to pass through and to arrive safely.
We all came together on the land and the weaving of intentions, hopes, and Oneness began in earnest.
I have seldom felt so blessed as I was to be able to witness and to hold the space for these amazing and open people to do their work.
Two moments touched me deeply, both moments happened at about the same time at two different places in the desert.
In one moment, I looked over and saw a Palestinian woman and a Jewish woman standing face to face, heart to heart, with each other in conversation and the light that was exchanging between them was so bright that I knew that great healing was taking place.
I then turned and looked into a different direction and saw an Arab man and a Jewish man sitting on the edge of a small rock rise in deep conversation with each other. Again the light of love was opening and I knew that the work these people were engaged in was on behalf of all of us on the planet that feel separated from any other.
I watched as their minds, full of teachings and stories about why they should not trust each other struggled to move forward. I watched as their hearts, filled with desire to connect and know the full experience of each other, had them lean in as they learned to trust each other a bit at a time. Thankfully the wisdom of their hearts prevailed over the concerns of their minds and in the end the people left the event hugging and casting wishes for more of this in the world.
Blessings to you all for your desire to move forward as one people, for the courage it takes to set aside the cultural conditioning, and for the willingness to heal the memories of times past that are painful.
I am in gratitude to the Universe for using us all in this way, to forward the dream that all humans will reclaim their Oness with the divine.
Thank you to you for reading this.
Patrick Ryan